I’ve Been Diagnosed with Glaucoma. Now What?

Glaucoma may be the leading cause of blindness, but it doesn’t have to be this way — timely diagnosis and treatment can stop continued optic nerve damage and prevent further vision loss. Here’s how we can help you manage the condition successfully.

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The Dangers of Dry Eye

Dry eye occurs when insufficient tear quantity or quality leaves the surface of your eyes inadequately lubricated and uncomfortably dry. Left untreated, it can undermine your ocular health and compromise your vision. Here’s what you should know.

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How Diabetes Impacts your vision

Did you know that diabetes can damage your eyes and increase your risk of developing serious eye diseases that may lead to vision loss or even blindness? Learn how diabetes affects your ocular health — and what you can do to protect your vision.

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Eye-friendly habits you can start today

Establishing a few eye-friendly habits today can go a long way in protecting your vision and eye health tomorrow, when getting older increases your risk of eye disease. Here are a few habits everyone should practice for optimal ocular health.

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What Most People Don’t Know About Macular Degeneration

Did you know that age-related macular degeneration (AMD) is the top cause of vision loss in older adults? Or that it doesn’t cause symptoms until it’s inflicted irreversible damage? Here’s what everyone should know about this common eye disease.

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What causes Dry Eye?

Millions of Americans suffer from dry eye syndrome, a chronic ocular condition that leaves their eyes feeling desiccated, gritty, and irritated. Learn about its many potential causes, and find out how you can attain lasting symptom relief.

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Signs you need a New glasses Prescription

Do you find yourself squinting at the fine print, holding your reading material at arm’s length, or dealing with a major headache after every sight-intensive task? It may be time for a new corrective lens prescription. Read on to learn more.

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Understanding the Types of Cataracts

By the time most adults reach their 80th birthday, they either have cataracts or they’ve had cataract surgery. Learn more about this leading cause of preventable vision loss and how it can affect your eyesight.

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5 Tips to Help You Adjust to Life With Contact Lenses

Contact lenses can make your life easier, but they might take some getting used to. Use these tips to get comfortable wearing your new contacts as quickly as possible.

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